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Attendance Protocols

Parents are required to call or email the Attendance Office. The following information is needed:

  • Student Name
  • Grade
  • Reason for Absent

Note: If a reason is not left, a follow-up call will be placed.

  • Attendance notes are necessary when a message is left or email and there is no response. Students can drop off their notes to the Main Office on the day they return to school. Once the notes and our emails are received the student's attendance will be updated.

  • If you are requesting homework, students can login into their Schoology account to pick up any assignments that they have missed. If there are packets and or ELA reading books that were handed out during the period that student is absent, we can plan to get those materials together for you. You may pick them up at the Main Office after 3 PM.

  • If your student is absent due to illness and has missed more than three days of school, then a doctor's note is required.


Request for Early Release

We are encouraging parents to call, email, or send in a physical note requesting an early release for their student(s). We will need the following information please see below:

  • Name of student
  • Time of pick up
  • Reason for pick up
  • If student is returning during school hours.
  • Who will pick them up (Side note-if the person is not on the list of approved people to pick up your child(ren) please send an email stating you are giving us permission to release your student(s) to the person picking them up.


Request for Buss Passes

Please send in a note and/or email requesting a Bus pass. We will need the following information please see below:

  • Student Name
  • Who the student is going with and their address
  • Route
  • Also, if a permanent bus passes will be given to the students at lunchtime. Unfortunately, this year all requests must be in the Main Office no later than their lunch period. We will not honor any request for a bus pass after the 8th Period unless it’s an emergency situation.

Contact Us

Holly Gasparian
Attendance Secretary

24-hour Attendance Line: (845) 691-1096 
Phone: (845) 691-1080, ext. 4400
Fax: (845) 691-1083

Hours: 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM