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Arrival/Dimissal Procedures

HMS Drop-Off Procedures

  • The School Day begins at 7:37 AM. Any students arriving after then will be marked as late.
    • Students cannot be dropped off at HMS prior to 7:20 AM.
  • Cars enter from Main Street and follow the Yellow Arrows to the right side of HMS.
  • Car riders are dropped off on the left-hand side of HMS.
  • Once a student is dropped off, drivers will proceed out of the front entrance towards Main Street.
Car Rider drop off map of the middle school building

HMS Pick-Up Procedures

  • Car riders/walkers/bike riders will begin being dismissed at approximately 2:15 PM, and bussers will be dismissed shortly afterwards at 2:22 PM.
  • Bus notes from parents, allowing students to ride an alternate route, will not be accepted after a student’s lunch period on the day the pass is needed.
  • Cars will drive up to the right-hand side of the building where three rows of cones will be set up for cars to line up. 
  • Students will be ushered/monitored by staff members to ensure a safe pickup.
  • Once the student is safely inside the car, the drivers may proceed around the back of the school and out the front entrance.
  • No pickups are allowed in the bus loop during regular dismissal time.
Car Rider Pick Up map of the middle school